Thursday, February 21, 2013

You gotta break a few eggs to make an Omelette

Omelette filling a-fryin'. 

Made myself an omelette for supper the other evening. (My husband doesn't eat breakfast foods at supper, more fool he). Anyway, my omelette was a snap to make. I chopped and fried a couple of slices of bacon, then added some cherry tomatoes and a handful of spinach-arugula and kept the mixture on the heat until the greens were wilted. In a second sauté pan over medium heat, I cooked up two eggs that had been whisked with some salt, pepper and a splash of water. When the eggs were almost set, I covered them with some grated gruyere cheese, topped the whole thing with the bacon and vegetable mixture and flipped my supper on to a plate.

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