Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Excellent Mini-Break

So,  I spend last weekend in the Big Smoke. Highlights included a tour of the Distillery District where I purchased an overly sweet Cafe Canadien. Anything containing maple syrup sucks me in it seems. 

Then we saw some great, and I mean great, theatre - the Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood, starring Meagan Follows. Here's the link to more information about this stunning production: 

All this was preceded by lunch at a little hipster diner on Dupont called Rose and Sons, which got a pretty rave review in the Globe and Mail on Saturday. We only saw the breakfast/lunch menu so I can't comment on the bigger picture food. I had bagel and lox,  just the way I like it, (very seedy bagel and very fresh lox). My niece had a fried egg smothered in Hollandaise sauce on top of some really delicious turkey hash that was highly- flavoured with shmaltz. I had the best Bloody Caesar I've had in a long time, although Mr. Hipster-dude Waiter took an awfully long time to get it to me. Great fun though. 

Floor-to-ceiling cheese.
We concluded the afternoon with a trip to the Loblaws store now housed within the former hockey shrine, Maple Leaf Gardens. No doubt the hockey gods are reeling, but what a fabulous grocery store. It definitely has a vibe reminiscent of Harrod's great food halls. I was mesmerized by the cheese display cabinets. Oh, and the underground parking lot is connected to the store by escalators, one for you, and a second one for your shopping cart. 

Cheese galore
The Hockey Hall of Hams

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